Random (...rando) Stuff

Horizontal Resequencing in VGM

Horizontal resequencing is when two different musical tracks dynamically blend together based on logical rules within a game. When done properly, it's super cool! Watch the video to learn more! Exclamation points!!!!!

Top game music moments

I guess this is just, like, my opinion, of course. But if you've played these games, you'll understand.

Sudoku Solver

Several years ago, just for fun, I wrote a little sudoku solver using the HTML5 canvas.

I've never bothered to write any Javascript beyond this one little tool ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Enter a sudoku gamestate, and this will solve it for you!

Check it out »

My doggo Suzie is a cutie

She's a 14/10

All good doggos are 14/10

All doggos can be good doggos

Responsive image


2011년에 저는 한국에 살았고, 공부를 조금 했어요. 조금밖에 한국어를 할 수 없어요. 하지만, 시간 날때 더 공부하고 싶어요.

Annoying others

Sometimes I forget that daily life is not, in fact, a musical. Mundane daily activities are often narrated to song...

🎵walkin' up the stairs [oh yeah~], walkin' up the stairs [all right!]🎵

I have a habit of subconsciously whistling whatever song is in my head, totally unaware I'm even doing it.